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    Commercial Potato Peelers

    Do you need a commercial potato peeler for your kitchen? Need fast working and quality potato peeler? In the kitchen of hotels or restaurant, you may need to peel an enormous amount of potatoes every day. For that, you need a potato peeler which work correctly and peel every single potato nicely. We at Twothousand Machinery® brings various models and types of potato peeler for you. We also have the potato peeler commercial for you in case you want to order a huge number of these.

    View By


    1. CE (6)
    2. Without CE (7)
    1. 8 kg (2)
    2. 10 kg (1)
    3. 15 kg (2)
    4. 30 kg (2)

    Twothousand Machinery® is the famous online kitchen appliance wholesaler in China. We are not only making delivery of our machinery in China but also to any part of the world through our efficient shipment process which will supply our goods. We do work with the quality product and customer satisfaction.

    We are not offering you small potato peelers for your home. We are offering you to deal with the enormous quantity. You will get a beautiful piece of potato with no skin on it after using our product. On the big hotel or restaurant, it is like a crime to have skin on the potato and serve it to the guest. That is why, if you are planning to set your kitchen you must have concern about the potato peeler you are going to place there.

    There are different types of the potato peeler commercial that you will find in the market. Twothousand Machinery® also has different potato peelers which work on various situations. The potato peeler is powered by electricity and these are not big in size, so it is easy to place in any part of the kitchen.

    The commercial potato peeler we provide to you is consuming less electricity than the other potato peeler available in the market. With the quality of this peeler, we can give you the assurance that it will work much better than your expectation. Our experts examine the entire commercial potato peeler separately and provide full clearance before launching the machine.

    Twothousand Machinery® work for their name. Our company never compromise with quality of the product. For the shipment or delivery, the customer does not have to bother. We manage that matter with a very reasonable price. Please feel free to call us for your commercial potato peeler now.

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    Please feel free to contact us for any inquiry about the equipment, our sales will get back to you in 24 hours.

    With over 20 years of experience, we eager to become your trusted partner in China.

    Our email: [email protected]