How Do Dishwashers Work?
By Carrie Perles, eHow Contributor
External Parts
There are several components that make a dishwasher work. The racks inside the dishwasher are coated with a protective coating that can withstand high temperatures and pressure, and they are shaped to keep many different types of dishes secure. The sprayer arms shoot water around the dishwasher during the washing cycle.
There are also two reservoirs in a dishwasher: one releases detergent at the beginning of the washing cycle, and one releases detergent partway through the cycle.
Arguably the two most important external structures on a dishwasher are the control panel and the door lock. The control panel enables the user to choose from many different settings, and the door lock must be engaged in order for the washing cycle to begin.
Internal Parts
Surrounding the dishwasher is a sound absorber, which dampens the effects of the noise that the dishwasher produces. A hot wire line runs into the dishwasher, providing the dishwater with the water it needs to wash the dishes. The motor and the pump under the sprayer arm provide the power that shoots the water around the dishwasher.
The Washing Process
During a washing cycle, the door lock is engaged and the motor begins running. It powers the pump, which shoots water through the sprayer arm. The water hits the dishes with a lot of pressure, and forces the detergent against them as well. This process cleans the dishes.
The Drying Process
Many modern dishwashers come with an optional heating cycle. If this option is chosen, an element that runs along the bottom of the dishwater heats up. Some dishwashers also use small fans to circulate the hot air around the dishwasher.
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